Di seguito un elenco non esaustivo di progetti di particolare interesse in termini di stoccaggio e cattura di energia ibrida e fonti di energia rinnovabile:
Progetti LIFE
LIFE BIOGASNET: Sustainable biogas purification system in landfills and municipal solid wastes treatment plants, LIFE BIOGASNET, LIFE18 ENV/ES/000426, 2019-2023
LIFE BIOGASNET aims at demonstrating a new cost-effective and environmental friendly technology for biogas desulfurization based on biological processes, being able to obtain a high quality biogas and final valuable by-products. The project focuses on the promotion of renewable energies production through the circular economy concept: reducing waste generation, reducing the carbon footprint of the desulfurization process, and producing secondary raw materials such as elemental sulphur and ammonium sulphate.
LIFE CIRCforBIO: A circular economy system for multi-source biomass conversion to added value products, LIFE CIRCforBIO, LIFE18 CCM/GR/001180, 2019-2023
LIFE BRINE-MINING: Demonstration of an advanced technique for eliminating coal mine wastewater (brines) combined with resource recovery, LIFE BRINE-MINING, LIFE18 ENV/GR/000019, 2019-2023
ALGAECAN: Adding Sustainability to the fruit and vegetable processing industry through solar-powered algal wastewater treatment, ALGAECAN, European Commission, LIFE, LIFE16 ENV/ES/000180, 2017-2020
LEACHLESS: Low energy treatment technology for leachate valorization, LEACHLESS, European Commission, LIFE, LIFE15 ENV/ES/000530, 2016-2020
Altri progetti e piattaforme dell’UE o nazionali
GEORISK, H2020-LC-SC3-2018-RES, funded by HORIZON 2020 programme. The GEORISK project works to establish risk insurance all over Europe and in some key target third countries to cover risks associated with the development and the operation of a deep geothermal plant.
INSULAE, H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2019-2020, funded by HORIZON 2020 programme. INSULAE will contribute to the Clean Energy for EU Islands Initiative by providing an Investment Planning Tool (IPT) able to create action plans for the islands to generate their own sustainable and low-cost energy.
AQUACYCLE, ENI CBC MED Programme, as end-user. AQUACYCLE is set to bring an eco-innovative wastewater treatment technology that will consist of anaerobic digestion, constructed wetlands and solar treatment for the cost-effective treatment of urban wastewater with minimal costs of operation and maximum environmental benefits.
ODYSSEUS: RFCS Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS-2018)-2019-2022. ODYSSEUS aims at Coal-to- Liquids Supply Chain (CLSC) integration and enhanced assessment of operational, economic and environmental risks during or after mine operation in unfavourable geological settings via technological CLSC integration and optimisation, supported by experimental activities on upgrading coal-derived liquids and byproduct beneficiation, integration of conventional and innovative mine development as well as enhanced techno-economic and environmental risk management.
SUMAD: RFCS Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS-2018)-2019-2022. The SUMAD project is the first European project supported by RFCS (Research Funding for Coal and Steel), which looks into ways of reusing slag heaps resulting from the exploitation of coal and lignite in Europe. The main objective is to determine and assess reuse methods for these waste dumps, thus contributing to the energy transition of mining regions.
ZEROBRINE: Re-designing the value and supply chain of water and minerals: a circular economy approach for the recovery of resources from saline impaired effluent (brine) generated by process industries, , Horizon 2020 No 730390, 2017-2021
BioUpgrade– Ex-situ biogas upgrading through biologically mediated CO2 reduction, ForskEL “2016-1-12465”, Denmark. BioUpgrade aims to design, operate and optimize bio-trickling filter reactors for ex-situ biological biogas upgrading using mixed hydrogenotrophic methanogenic archaea.
EFuel – Electro fuel from a bio-trickling filter, EUDP 64018-0559. To develop a novel high-rate bio-trickling filter reactor ensuring long-term process reliability and demonstrate the full concept of the biomethanation supply chain from electrolysis to electrofuel for delivering a marketable product.
BiogasUp– Biogas upgrade with simultaneous recycling and utilization of carbon dioxide to optimize anaerobic sludge treatment, “RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE” funded by the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020. BiogasUp aims at the holistic exploration of an innovative system for simultaneous biogas upgrading using inorganic membranes and biogas enhancement through recycling and utilization of waste CO2 as catalyst for sludge pretreatment