The LIFE CO2toCH4 project meeting was held from 25th November to 28th November and hosted by UNIPD in the Botanical Garden of Padova by Prof. Stefano Campanaro and Prof. Laura Treu.
DAY 1: Visit to Gallmann biogas plant (BTS) during which Dr. Bettina Mueller, of BTS Biogas SRL, conduct a guided tour of the plant to the LIFE CO2toCH4 and the CooCE-ACT project beneficiaries.
DAY 2: Common workshop of projects LIFE CO2toCH4 & CooCE-ACT.
Prof Maria Loizidou from NTUA, presented the case of LIFE DIMITRA project and effective digestate management.
Dr Panagiotis Kougias from ELGO showcased the benefits of biological biomethanation.
Dr Apostolos Antoniadis from PPCR gave valuable insights to workshops attendants on existing modern perspectives in developing renewables sources in former lignite mines.
DAY 3: LIFE CO2toCH4 meeting in the Botanical Garden of Padova.
Dr Apostolos Antoniadis & Dr Polina Asimakidou from PPCR – coordinating beneficiary of the project – provided the project overall implementation management & progress. During the presentation of the Management Actions by PPCR representatives, a very constructive dialogue between the attending partners representatives of AUTH, ELGO, NTUA, NEVIS, PPC & and UNIPD allowed the scheduling of remaining activities while paved the way for the optimum tackling of challenges lying ahead.
Senior Researcher & NTUA team representative, Dr Konstantinos Moustakas in dialogue with PPCR & NEVIS representatives on the preparation for the project’s Final Conference, the existing alternative locations and ensuring the active involvement & participation of key stakeholders.
Mrs Helena Partheniou presented all the process and challenges PPCR faced for the construction and installation of the hybrid energy storage system.
Dr Panagiotis Kougias provided insights on the core activity of the LIFE CO2toCH4 the operation of the innovative prototype system which, following its operation in ELGO premises, allowed for the successful transfer & operation on site at the PPC Agios Dimitrios plant in Kozani.
PhD candidate Alexandros Chatzis from AUTH & ELGO elaborated on the project activities of Design of the mobile unit for hybrid energy storage as well as on its test operation and optimization.
Dr Kiki Makri, from Marasleio Junior High School of Athens, emphasized the significance of the LIFE CO2toCH4 living lab attendance to Junior high school students’ educational activities and awareness raising on environmental and climate issues. She also highlighted the students’ enthousiasm and inspiration through the transfer of knowledge gained by the innovative processes of LIFE CO2toCH4 presented on site.
Dr Christos Roumpos shared PPC insights and experiences from the demonstration of the innovative CO2toCH4 concept through circular economy living labs organised so far.
Mrs Stella Konstantinidi representing PPC on project action Evaluation of replicability and transferability and development of business models.
UNIPD postdoc Esteban Orellana presented the progress made on the process optimisation using advanced systems and control architectures based on
microbial resource management.
Dr Maria Kasidoni from NTUA joined online and updated the project beneficiaries on the monitoring of the impact of the project actions.
Mrs Georgia Dimou from NEVIS on communication and dissemination LIFE CO2toCH4 activities progress noted so far and pending up to the project end.
DAY 4: Visit to DiBio laboratories and facilities Prof. Laura Treu conducted a guided tour of the UNIVR DiBio infrastructure to PPCR, PPC, AUTH & NEVIS representatives.
The LIFE CO2toCH4 ended successfully with a family photo.